
poem by: Dakota Iris
Written on Feb 02, 2019

Music and video games.
Ace bandages and folded socks.
Soda cans and taco bell,
Beanies and hair ties.
Late nights and parties,
Red arms,and bruised ribs.

Smiles and laughs,
Deep cries, and heavy mass.
Empathy and forgiveness, 
internal screams and restlessness.

Yes, I am trans, and I am not like you, 
but not for the reason you think.
I am not different, or special because I am transgender, 
I am different because you and I do not share the same fire, 
I am different because I laugh when you say it isnt funny. 
I am different because of my soul. So please,
Dont treat me differently because I am trans,
Treat me differently because I am me. 


Tags: Happy, Sad, Faith, Hope, Imagery,


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poem by Dakota Iris

Music and video games. Ace bandages and folded socks. Soda cans and taco bell, Beanies and hair ties. Late nights and parties, Red arms,and bruised ribs. Smiles and laughs, Deep cries, and heavy mass. Empathy and forgiveness... Read more