Why Anxiety Has Ruined My Life, Forever. Part 1

poem by: Zach Hammond
Written on Oct 02, 2018

Why Anxiety Has Ruined My Life, Forever
Part 1

This is why Anxiety has ruined my life forever…

Imagine being afraid to go grocery shopping by yourself, at 23.

Imagine being afraid to go interview for a job you want really bad.

Imagine thinking that everyone is making fun of you for going to a restaurant by yourself.

Imagine getting invited to go to a party but can’t because you don’t want to go alone.

Imagine people telling you to stop being emotional and to get over it.

Imagine feeling like you’re never good enough.

Imagine overthinking a conversation you had with a girl six months ago.

Imagine feeling like the walls of life are constantly closing in and suffocating you.

Imagine having the feeling that you have disappointed everyone you’ve ever loved.

Imagine wanting to cheer up and have fun but physically and mentally not being able to.

Imagine trying to explain to people why you have to take medicine.

Imagine being afraid to talk to girls.

Imagine over-analyzing where you parked in a parking lot. 

Imagine trying to hide every time you cry about the smallest things.

Imagine staying in your room all day because you think that you can hide from the world.

Imagine over thinking the fact that people are just offering help because they have to.

Imagine having the most insignificant things haunt you forever.

Imagine being afraid to go to the gym because you are so insecure the stupidest things.

Imagine feeling like you can’t talk to anyone without them thinking you’re crazy.

And that, is just the beginning.


Tags: Sad, Depressing, Pain,

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Michael Wise commented on Oct 05, 2018 at 3:09pm
I have imagined all these things and many more. Depression and anxiety sucks. I very much relate to this writing.


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