We've always been there

story by: Caitlin Dunham
Written on Feb 18, 2017

                               Chapter 1: New Friends
         Olivia  sat up stretched and lazily walked into her bathroom. She opened her bathroom cabinet and took out her purple hair brush and her blue hair tie. Then she started her morning battle. The battle was hairbrush against tangled hair. She took her hairbrush and fought her way through her tangley light brown hair.
             After she finished her hair battle she walked down the hall to the kitchen. Her mom was making her scrambled eggs and she had already put a glass of orange juice on the table and a bowl of oatmeal. Olivia  sat down and started drinking her orange juice. When she finished her breakfast she said “ thank’s for the breakfast mom!”. Her mom nodded then said “ your welcome honey! Oh and are you going on a jog today?”. Olivia  nodded then said “ yep I just need to put on my jogging outfit.” Her mom nodded and Olivia  ran down to her room.
            Olivia  dug threw her clothes and she finally found her outfit. It was black jogging shorts and a purple jogging t-shirt. Then she walked over to her closet and took out her black tennis shoes. Once she got dressed she walked back down the hallway and out of the door. 
          She ran down the street then turned left and ran down to the park. When she got there she went over to the trail that ran all the way around the park. Then she started running on the trail with her arms swinging back and forth. It was a beautiful morning, there was a clear sky and there was a warm breeze running through the trees.
            After she had been running for around twenty minutes or so she bumped into something in the middle of the trail. It felt like she had just punched someone in the shoulder. But she couldn’t see anyone. But then she heard a boy’s and girl’s voice right in front of her. The boy’s voice said “ what was that for?!”. The girl laughed and said “ yeah what was that for Olivia ?!”.
              Olivia  looked around confused and a little freaked out she couldn’t see anyone anywhere. She could only hear two people talking to her. They sounded like they were right in front of her. Then she said trying to sound brave “ who’s there?! Come out where I can see you?!”.
             The girl’s voice sighed and said “ we can’t come out where you can see us! But we are right in front of you. My name is Kara and standing to my left is my twin brother and best friend James.” Olivia  was now very freaked out then she said in a shaky voice “ how can you be right in front of me?! Show your selves! please!”. 
             This time James and Kara sighed then they both said “ we are Invisible!”. Then James said “ we come from a race called I.H which stands for Invisible Human. We are wearing I.H clothing which is also Invisible. But if we put on normal human watch on we are visible. Our king assigns two of us to certain people who he thinks we should go to. And we were assigned to you.”
             Olivia ’s mouth dropped then said “ prove it!”. Kara sighed and then Olivia  could hear what sounded like backpack zippers unzipping. Then Olivia  heard two clips being clipped. Then all of a sudden a girl and a boy appeared right in front of her. Olivia  stumbled backwards and then she finally balanced herself. Then she rubbed her eyes in disbelief then she sighed and said “ how is this even possible?! This has to be some sort of dream!”.
             Kara and James laughed and then Kara said “ it is very possible! Do you remember your imaginary friends that you had when you were eight? Lucy and Luke?”. Olivia ’s mouth dropped then she said “ um yeah but how do you know about them?”. James laughed and said “ because we were them, we have been with you your whole life. You just thought we were imaginary or just people in a dream. But really we were very real. But it was our orders that we had to tell you who we really were a week before you turned fifteen.”
               Kara nodded then reached into her backpack and got a blue bracelet out and handed it to Olivia . Then she said “ as long as you were this you will be able to talk to us inside your head. All you have to do is think what you want to say. And that’s what we’ll hear. We can also talk to you from inside our heads. WE just think what we want to say and that’s what we hear. Oh and also we can read minds so if you want us to read someone’s mind then just ask.”
             Olivia  sighed sorta accepting the idea that this was real. Then she said “ Um okay but can I ask a few questions?”. They both nodded then they said “ yeah, ask away!”. Olivia  nodded then said “ what’s my favorite food and color?”. Kara smiled then said “ your favorite food is sour patch kids. But your mom says that it doesn’t count as a food it just counts as yummy junk.”
             Then James said “ and your favorite color is dark purple but black is a very close to being tied with purple.” Olivia  nodded and said “ what is my full name?”. James nodded then said “ Olivia  Ann Piper.” Olivia  nodded amazed then said “ who do I have a crush on and how long have I know him and how did I meet him?”. 
              Kara smiled then said “ his name is Elliot Johnson, you’ve know him for three years. He lives next door to you. And you met when you were eating lunch at school on September 3rd 2013. And he walked up to you and said ‘ hi there, I’m new here. Could you tell me where I could find the nearest trash can?’.”
                Olivia ’s mouth dropped then James said “ and you thought it was such a odd question but you liked that he asked you because you would have never had the guts to approach him.” Olivia  smiled then said “ okay then um okay this is a weird question. And you have to tell the truth! Have either of you seen me with any of my clothes off?”.
                 They both laughed then Kara said “ no I haven’t I always go and spy on Elliot for you.” James frowned a little then said “ no I haven’t.” Then James smiled and then Kara said “ oh my god James you are such a pervert!”. Then she punched him. Olivia  laughed then said “ why did you punch him?!”.
              Kara shook her head and said “ he just had a thought I didn’t like. Anyway we should all get going, you said you would be back soon.” Olivia  nodded then said “ okay then take those watches off and let’s go.” They nodded then took their watches off and put them in their backpacks. And started running Olivia  looked to her left and right and couldn’t see anyone. Then she thought “ James? Kara? are you guys right next to me?”. 
             Then she heard their voices in her head. James said “ I’m on your right”. Then Kara thought “ I’m to your left”. Olivia  nodded and then they ran back to Olivia’s house. When they got back Olivia  grabbed three waters out of the fridge and walked back to her room. 
                When they got into her room she closed the door and the curtains . Then she thought “ you can put on your watches now”. Olivia  then heard the zippers unzipping then she saw James and Kara sitting on her bed. Olivia  handed them waters then they all just sat there drinking their water for a couple of minutes.
                    Chapter 2: Hanging out In Olivia’s Room
        They all finally finished their waters then James said “so…”. Then before he could finish they heard a knock on the door. Olivia  sighed and looked at Kara and James they smiled then put their watches on and vanished. Then Olivia  said “ who is it?”. Her mom gently opened the door and said “ hi honey , I just saw that you took three! water bottles from the fridge. And I thought maybe you had friends over or something.”
            Olivia  smiled and said “ oh no those were all for me I was really really thirsty and I needed more water. Some random girl challenged me to a race. And oh my god she’s fast! She won of course.” Her mom nodded and said “ alrighty then I have to go to the store and I will be back in forty five minutes or so. I will be taking your little brother with me. Text me if you need or want anything okay.”
                Olivia  nodded and said “ okay mom, got it.” She nodded and left the room. After a few seconds of silence Kara and James took off their watches and were visible again. Then James smiled and said “ anyway I was wondering what you are doing for your birthday? We keep out of your mind most of the time. We don’t want to know everything!”. 
             Olivia  shrugged and said “ I don’t know. I mean I think my mom said I could do whatever I wanted. I know I want a party! but I don’t know what to do for my actual birthday. What do you think I should do?”. James smiled and said “ what about you get your brother to go to your grandma’s for the night. Oh and then you could go get rent like a million movies . Then you could get a bunch of junk food and cake. Then you and your mom and us of course watch everything and eat. But say that we can come to. Then you can have a bigger party with us and other people.”
              Kara nodded and smiled then said “ that’s like the best idea James has had in like forever! Also it would be great to have Henry out of the way. He’s so annoying!”. Olivia  nodded then said “ yeah totally, that sounds great. And I will just say I met you guys at the park a while back and that we always run together.” Kara nodded and said “ okay good idea but who will you invite to your party? And what are we doing?”.
            Olivia  thought about it for a bit then said “ um what about Amy, Chase, and you guys.” James nodded then Kara shook her head and said “ you should so invite Elliot!!!”. Olivia  shook her head and said “ no I couldn’t I mean we aren’t even friends. We aren’t even in the same group.”
               James said “ yeah you have a point.” Kara glared at James then said “ you are just making up reasons because you are worried that he will say no or something will go wrong. Invite him!”. Olivia  sighed then said “ but…” Kara then said in a commanding tone “ but nothing! Go over to his house after your mom get’s back and invite him!”. Olivia  sighed knowing there was no way she would be able to say no to Kara and said “ alright”.
               James frowned then said “ so what kind of party is this?”. Olivia  shrugged then Kara said “ we could do a sleepover? You guys could all go see a movie then come back and have a sleepover.” Olivia  smiled and said “ sounds great! When my mom gets back I’ll tell her. But when should the party be?”. Then James and Kara looked at each other then said together “ the day after your birthday”. Olivia  nodded and said “ what time?”. Then James said “ three. There are several movies you wanted to see on at four.” Olivia  nodded then said “ okay then”.
               Kara smiled and said “ he’s at his window, he’s thinking about football.” Olivia  smiled and said “ okay then that answered my question.” James looked annoyed then said “ you’re thinking about Elliot again!?”. Olivia  nodded and said “ yeah!”. James shook his head then thought something to Kara. “ I hate Elliot!”. Kara laughed in her head then said “ I know you do! Because you lovvvvve Olivia !”. 
               James scowled in his head and thought “ I do not!”. Kara shook her head and thought “ yeah you do!!!”. James sighed and thought “ yeah I do!”. Then Kara smiled then Olivia  said out loud “ it’s rude to have mind conversations right in front of someone without including them!”. Kara smiled and said “ sorry it was a personal conversation.” Then they all heard a car’s horn honk. Then Olivia  said “ my mom’s home, I’m going to go down stairs and tell her my birthday plans.” Then she sighed nervously and said “ then I will go over and invite Elliot to my party. But will you guys come with me?”.
               Kara nodded and then said “ sure”. Then James said “ I’m going to stay here”. Olivia  nodded then Kara took off her watch. Then Kara and Olivia  walked downstairs to the kitchen. Olivia’s mom was unloading food she got from the market. When Olivia  walked into the room her mom turned around and said “ hi honey, we’re having grilled cheese tonight.” Olivia  smiled and said “ sounds good, oh and I decided what I want to do for my birthday and for my party.”
               Her mom smiled and said “that’s great! What do you want to do?”. Olivia  smiled and said “ for my birthday I want Henry to go to grandma’s for the night. And we can get cake and a bunch of junk food and movies. Then I can bring over my two jogging friends Kara and James to watch with us.” Her mom nodded then said “oh okay, but I didn’t know you had jogging friends. How long have you known them? And why haven’t I heard of them till now?”. 
                 Olivia  shrugged and said “ I met them around four months ago. And I never told you about them because I didn’t think it was important and they could never come over anyways till now.” Her mom nodded and said “ are your friends dating or something?”. Olivia  laughed and she could hear Kara and James laughing there heads off in her head. Then Olivia  said “ no no nothing like that! They are twins.” Her mom smiled and nodded then said “ okay then, what are you doing for your party?”.
             Olivia  smiled then said “ I’m inviting Kara,James,Amy,Elliot, and Chase. And we will be going to the movies then we will be having a sleepover.” Her mom nodded and said “ okay but who is Elliot again?”. Olivia  smiled then she said “ he lives next door he also  goes to my school”. Her mom nodded and said “ when’s the party?”. Then Olivia  said “ the day after my birthday at three. And then they can leave anytime the next day.” Her mom nodded then said “ okay then is there anything else you wanted to tell me?”. 
                 Olivia  smiled thinking about Elliot then said “ um yeah, can I go over to Elliot’s house and invite him to the party?”. Her mom nodded and said “ yeah you can just be back as soon as possible!”. Olivia  nodded and said “ okay thanks.” Then Olivia  and Kara walked out the door and over to Elliot’s house. When they got to the door Olivia  stood there for a minute in a nervous wreck. Then Kara thought just knock on the door I’ll help you!”. Olivia  nodded then thought “ okay…”.
             Then she paused then knocked on the door. Then Kara thought “his mom will be at the door”. Olivia  nodded then Elliot’s mom opened the door and said “ hi there, who are you?”. Olivia  smiled and said “ I’m one of Elliot’s classmates. Can I speak to Elliot?”. His mom nodded then said “ hold on let me get him”.
                 Olivia  sighed nervously then his mom walked off to go get him. Then Kara thought “ when he gets to the door say hi Elliot , I’m Olivia  we go to the same school. We met three years ago at lunch you asked where the nearest trash can was.” Olivia  nodded then thought “ um okay”. 
                  Then Elliot appeared at the door. Elliot was tall thin and well built. He had black hair and dreamy brown eyes. Olivia  smiled then said “ Hi Elliot, I’m Olivia  we go to the same school. We met three years ago at lunch. You were new and you asked me where the nearest trash can was.” Elliot smiled and said “ yeah I remember that, and I know who you are. You  are in History and Math with me right?”. Olivia  smiled then thought “ oh my god he knows who I am!!!!”. 
                Then she thought “ what do I say?!”. Kara smiled then thought what she thought Olivia  should say. Then Olivia  said “ that’s right, anyway my birthday is coming up on Friday and I’m having my party on Saturday. It’s a big sleepover, and me and my friends will be going to the movies before hand then we will be going back to my place and eating dinner. Then we will go back to my room and set up then play games and hangout. And I was wondering if you would like to come?”.
               Elliot grinned then said “ that sounds fun! Can you text me the information?”. Olivia  smiled and said “ I don’t have your number”. Elliot smiled and said “ oh okay I forgot that I never gave you my number”. Then he took out his phone and said “ her put your number in my phone and I will put my number in yours”.
               Olivia  smiled and then thought “YAY!!!”. Then she said “ okay” and gave him her phone. Then he gave her his phone and they put their information in then gave the other their phone back. Then Elliot said “ okay then I hope I will be able to come. But where do you live again?”. Olivia  smiled and said “ live next door, if you look out your window you can see into my room.” Elliot nodded and said “ okay then Olivia  , I would love to stay here and talk to you but my mom get’s mad if I don’t help her set the table. So I have to go but I’ll text you later.”
               Olivia  said “ okay then text you later bye.” Elliot smiled then said “ bye”. Then he closed his door and Kara and Olivia  walked back to Olivia’s house. Kara smiled and thought “ you did fantastic! I think he will be coming!”. Olivia  beamed then thought “ yeah I hope so!”. 
             Then they walked back into the house and then walked back to her room. James was listening to music on Olivia ’s IPod Nano on headphones waiting for the girls to come back. When they walked in James looked up and turned off the IPod then said. “ How did it go?”. Olivia  beamed then said “ he gave me his number. Then he said he wants to come but he doesn’t know if he can. So he said he will text me later.” James nodded and said “ okay well you really should text all your other friends and invite them.” Olivia  nodded and said “ okay I’ll group message them”.
             Then she sent this message and then all of her friends texted her back almost right away. This was their conversation.

               Olivia : Hey guys, I will be having my party on July 18th-19th. I thought that we could all go to the movies at three thirty then we could come back to my house and have dinner then have a sleepover. But you would all need to be at my house by three. Then you could leave whenever the next day. I’m also inviting Elliot, and my two jogging friends Kara and James.

         Chase: Sounds fun! My parents said yes! I’ll be there! :)
 Amy: Sounds amazing !!! I’ll be there! :)
   Olivia : Okay great! I’ll see you guys then.
           They all sign off. 
        Then Olivia  set her phone down on her bed and said “ everyone can come!”. Kara and James both grinned then they said “ that’s great!”. Then James said “ I think I just heard your phone buzz.” Olivia  nodded then looked down at her phone and her face lit up. Then James read her mind. Then he thought “ god damn it why did I tell her that! If I had known it was Elliot I would have kept my mouth shut! Kara laughed in her head and thought “ poor lover boy!” Then she laughed inside her head. James shook his head and then looked at Olivia .
           Olivia  started to read his text the she sent one back. This was their conversation.
            Elliot: Hi there Olivia , It was so nice to get invited to your birthday party. My parents said I can go :) !!!!! I can’t wait! But I just have to ask you something. Why did you invite me? I mean I love that you did! But we don’t really know each other. But I hope we will get to know each other :) !
             Olivia : Hi there Elliot.  That’s so great that your parents said yes for you to come to my party! :) And I invited you because I wanted us to get to know each other and be friends! :)
              Elliot: Oh that’s good. I want to be friends to. I was just wondering because I was worried that your mom made you invite me or something.
              Olivia : My mom would never make me invite someone I don’t want to invite. It was my idea to invite you. I think you are a really nice guy and I wanted us to be friends :)
               Elliot: :) ! 
               Elliot: Friends?
              Olivia : yeah Friends!
              Elliot: anyway what are you up to?
              Olivia : Oh nothing much. I’m just hanging out in my room with my jogging friends. Wbu?
              Elliot: Oh okay, and I’m just sitting on my bed texting you and listening to music.
              Olivia : What song are you listening to?
              Elliot: I’m listening to Safe and Sound by Capital Cities. Do u like that song? :)
               Olivia : yeah I do it’s a great song!
               Elliot: when are your friends leaving?
               Olivia : soon why?
Olivia  was so excited in her head because she was texting Elliot and she wasn’t making a fool of herself. Also because from what he was saying it sounded like he wanted to hang out with her…. But she wasn’t sure.
             Elliot: I was just wondering, because my mom said that if you wanted to come over and hangout for a hour or so you could. Do u want to?
               Olivia : I’ll ask my mom if I can. Oh and my friends are leaving in five minutes. Hold on let me ask my mom.
                Elliot: Okay 
      Olivia  then got off her bed and said “ I’m going to go ask my mom if I can hangout at Elliot’s for a hour or so. Okay?”. Kara smiled and said “ that sounds great! You go girl!”. Then James put on a fake smile and said “ sounds fun! Have fun!”. Olivia  nodded and said “ I will!”.
          Then Olivia  walked to the living room where her mom was watching Say Yes To The Dress. Her mom looked up and said “ what is it honey?”. Olivia  smiled and said “ Elliot was wondering if i could hang out at his house for a hour or so. Can I please go?”. Her mom smiled and said “ is he your boyfriend?”. Olivia  grinned and said “ I wish! But no we are just friends right now.” Her mom smiled and said “ okay honey have fun!”. Olivia  smiled and said “ thanks mom!”. 
             Then Olivia  looked down and typed.
        Olivia : I can come over :) I’m walking over right now!
          Elliot: Okay that’s great I’ll meet you at the door.
          Olivia : Okay see you there.
         Elliot: see u soon! :)

        Then Olivia  thought to James and Kara. “ guys please give me and him some privacy. Unless I say otherwise! Okay?”. Kara then thought “ okay, you go girl!”. James then thought “okay”. Then Olivia  arrived at Elliot’s door and Elliot opened the door a second later. He smiled and said “ hi Olivia , come on  in!”. Olivia  smiled and  walked in. Then she said “ hi so what do you want to do?”.
           Elliot smiled and said “ I was thinking we could go to my room. Watch some TV, eat some snacks, play Truth or Dare, etc. .” Olivia  nodded and said “ sounds fun!”. Then Elliot said “ okay then follow me.” Olivia  nodded then followed Elliot into his room. Then Elliot closed his bedroom door behind him then he walked over to his bed and sat on it . Then he said “ you can sit on my bed if you want I don’t bite.” Olivia  was nervous because she really liked this guy and she was so worried about messing this up.
          Then she walked over to the bed and sat down. Then Elliot smiled and said “ do you want to play Truth or Dare?!”. Olivia  nodded and said “ yeah that sounds fun. But can you start.” Elliot nodded then said “ Truth or Dare!”. Olivia  thought about it then decided to play it safe. Then she said “ Truth.” 
            He nodded then said “ have you ever been kissed?”. Olivia  couldn’t help but blush a little then she said “ yes I have, it was okay.” Elliot nodded then said “ your turn”. Olivia  then said “ okay Truth or Dare?”. Elliot smiled then said “ Dare!”. Olivia  thought about it then said “ call the first person on your contacts list and break up with them.”
           Elliot’s face lit up and said “ thank you so much for daring me to do that!!!!”. Olivia  looked confused and said “ why are you thanking me!”. Elliot smiled and said “ because you just dared me to break up with my evil girlfriend Maggie. I hate her so much! But I’ve never been brave enough to break up with her. But I promised myself if anyone dared me to break up with her I would!”.
            Olivia  then said “ why do you hate her?”. Elliot sighed and said “ she is so mean and bossy and she thinks she owns me!”. She nodded then said “ okay then call her”. Elliot nodded and said “ okay here goes nothing. I’ll put it on speaker.”
            He then called her and set his phone on the bed and turned it on speaker. The phone ringed for only a few seconds then a female voice answered the phone she said .
               B- “ hey babe how’s it going? You are coming over here tomorrow so we can make out. Okay!”
               F- “ Hi Bella I’m sick and tired of you bossing me around and being such a bitch! I’m done with you, I have been for several months now! I am breaking up with you.
               B- “ Excuse me ! How dare you break up with me! You are my boyfriend and the only way you are getting out of it is if I break up with you!”
                F- “ Good Bye Ex- Girlfriend”
         Then before she could say anything Elliot hanged up and deleted her from his contacts. Elliot sighed in relief and said “ thank goodness that relationship is over. Anyway Truth or Dare?”. Olivia  smiled and said “ um Dare.” Elliot smiled then said “ okay, I dare you to answer this question then do dares for the next two turns.” Olivia  nodded then said “ okay what is the question”.
            He smiled then said “  well it’s a two part questions. The first is do you have a boyfriend? And two do you have a crush on anyone in our History or Math class?”. Olivia  nodded then said “ I do not have a boyfriend and I do have a crush on someone in those classes.” Elliot smiled and nodded then Olivia  said “ truth or dare?”. Elliot smiled then said “ truth”.
           Olivia  thought about it then said “ have you ever beat up a girl?”. Elliot frowned then said “ no I haven’t but I beat up a guy that beat up a girl.” He sighed then said “ let’s watch some TV.” Olivia  nodded then said “ okay what do you want to watch?”. Elliot shrugged then said “ um what about Big Bang Theory?”. Olivia  smiled and said “ okay that’s a good show!”.
          Then they sat against his pillows and he turned on the show. They after ten minutes or so the first commercial came on. Then Elliot looked over at Olivia  and she looked at him and then Elliot said. “ Please don’t slap me?!”. Olivia  looked confused then said “ why on earth would I do that?”. Then Elliot smiled and leaned in then kissed her. 
              Then they made out for the next twenty minutes or so. When they finally finished Elliot said “ oh my god I am so glad you feel the same way about me. I thought you would slap me. And Damn your a great kisser!”. Olivia  was blushing like mad but the room was dark enough that he couldn’t tell. 
            Then she said “ I thought you would never like me the way I like you. I really really like you Elliot? But how long have you liked me?”. Elliot smiled and said “ since the first day I lay eyes on you!”. Then he said “ When did you first like me?”. Olivia  smiled then said “ since the first day I lay eyes on you.” 
          Then they both smiled and Olivia  said “ will you be my boyfriend?”. Elliot smiled and said “ yes I will!”. Then he looked at his phone and said “ shoot my mom says it’s time for you to go.” Olivia  frowned then said “ okay then I’ll see you later. But first.”
          then Olivia  leaned in and kissed Elliot. They said goodnight. They both smiled in the moonlight then Elliot said “ I’ll text you soon!”. Olivia  smiled and nodded and said “ okay goodnight Elliot.” He nodded and said “ goodnight Olivia ”. Then he walked down the dark street back to his house. Then Olivia  opened her front door and walked back to her room.
                    Chapter 3: The Rest Of That Night
       Kara and James were playing a game of cards when Olivia  walked in. Kara smiled and looked at her then she read Olivia ’s mind then her smile grew bigger. Then Kara said “ oh my god ! How was it making out with him?! And how is it to not be single anymore?”. Olivia  blushed and smiled then said “ he is such a good kisser!!! Oh my god! I am so happy that he is my boyfriend! The weird thing was is that around twenty minutes before he kissed me he broke up with his girlfriend who he hated.”
         Kara smiled and said “ good for you!”. James looked down at his feet then said “ I’m going to go outside.” Kara nodded and Olivia  said “ okay see you later.” James nodded then he took off his watch  and walked outside. Then he sat down on her porch steps and then he started crying, then he started yelling in his head. He was thinking stuff like “ Why couldn’t she have picked me!”. “ I know her best, I love her the most!”. “ I can’t live without her”. “ Why did this have to happen”. “ I just want to die!”.
          Back in Olivia’s room Kara and Olivia  had been talking about Elliot and many other things. Then Kara said “ hold let me check on James. While I do that you should go and text your friends.” Olivia  nodded then Kara thought something to James. She thought “ are you okay?! You’ve been out there a while now!”.
           Then Kara could hear him crying and yelling in his head. She could also see all the emotions. He was feeling sad,angry,heart broken, suicidal,etc. Then Kara thought “ I am so so so so sorry James! I know it’s not fair! And maybe this thing with her and Elliot won’t last. But do you want to hear some advice?”. She heard James sigh then start sobbing again. Then he thought “ okay”. Then she thought “ let her go, if she ever likes or loves you she will come to you.” 
             James started sobbing then thought “ I don’t know if I can!”. She shook her head then thought “ yes you can! And you will!”. James sighed then started crying again then he blocked Kara off and didn’t let her in his head. 
             Meanwhile Olivia  had just sent all her friends a message saying.
                   Olivia : guess who got a boyfriend? :)
                      Amy: #awesome good for you!
                    Chase: good for you Olivia ! :)
                     Amy: Who is he? Is he coming to the party?
                    Olivia  : his name is Elliot Johnson, and yes he is coming. He lives next door to me.
                   Chase: wait isn’t he dating that bitch Bella! #BB
                   Amy: yeah he is!
                                      Olivia : No no he isn’t he broke up with her over the phone. Then twenty minutes later we made out then I asked him to be my BF.
                   Amy: how was it? ;)
                  Chase: yeah how was it? ;)
                  Olivia : It was fantastic! <3 He is such a great kisser!
                  Chase: now I’m a little turned on! LOL Hey Babe wanna come over? ;) ( I was talking to Amy btw)
                  Amy: okay be over in 5 I will have to be home by ten though.
                      Amy signs off.
                      Chase signs off.
                      Olivia : Have fun!
                      Olivia  : goodnight zzzzz 
                            Olivia  signs off.
          Then Kara looks at Olivia  and says “ how are your other friends?”. Olivia  then said “there good, oh and do you know when James will be back?”. Kara shrugged then said “ I have no clue!”. Olivia  shrugged then thought something to James. She thought “ hey James what’s up? Why don’t you come back up here?”. 
            James frowned then he sighed and  then thought “ I’m just not in a good mood! There’s this girl I like named Lucy and she just rejected me then got herself a boyfriend. And I guess I will come back soon.” Olivia  frowned then thought “ that really sucks dude! That is so horrible. She doesn’t seem like Lucy is worth your time. If she is going to go and do something like that!”.
            James sighed then said “ I know but she is so amazing and I can’t live without her! She is everything to me!”. Olivia  nodded then said “ from what I’m hearing it sounds like she doesn’t deserve a great guy like you. I bet she is is feeling really bad about rejecting you right now!”. James frowned then thought “ I doubt it”. Then he didn’t allow Olivia  to read is thoughts then he thought something to Kara.
             “ Olivia  is unbelievable!”. Kara laughed then thought “ why’s that?”. James then started crying again then he thought “ I just told her how I felt about her. But I said that I felt those things towards a girl named Lucy. And I told her that she rejected me then went off and got a boyfriend. Then Olivia  said that it sounded like ‘Lucy’ was a horrible person for rejecting a guy like me. She also said that it was horrible that Lucy got a bf right after she rejected me.”
                 Kara grinned and laughed then thought “ she is such a dummy. How did she not get that this Lucy girl was really her?! Omg! It’s funny that she insulted herself though.” James nodded and thought “ yeah I know, I’m coming up but I will not be putting my watch on for a while. So please don’t tell Olivia  I’m in the room. Oh and try to talk about me when I’m in there I just want to see what Olivia  says.”
          Kara nodded then said “ okay but you might get hurt!”. James then thought “ I know”. Then he walked back into Olivia ’s room. As soon as he got in there Kara said “ do you want to play Truth?”. Olivia  nodded and said “ okay you start.” Kara nodded then said “ okay my question is if you were not with Elliot would you date James?”. 
             Olivia  thought about it then said “ um well isn’t that a weird question to ask me I mean he’s your brother.” Kara shrugged and said “ it’s not that weird”. Olivia  nodded then said “ um yeah I guess I would date him. If he asked”. Kara nodded then Olivia  said “ are there anymore of you I.H people and are there any weird relationships in your I.H group thing?”.
           Kara nodded then said “ yeah there is a lot of us! And it’s actually a lot of siblings and cousins date each other and even get married. Isn’t that weird?!”. Olivia  nodded and said “ yeah it is ! Have you ever kissed or dated James?”. Kara laughed then said “ no I haven’t.” Olivia  smiled then said “ I have got to go get changed into my PJ’s before I go to bed”. Kara nodded then said “ okay”. Then Kara thought to James “ don’t you even think about it”.
         James glared at Kara then Olivia  walked into her bathroom with her pj’s. Then James put on his watch. Then he thought “ I hope Elliot and her break up! Then I can date Olivia !”. Kara laughed then lay down on the bed”. When Olivia  came out of the bathroom she said “ oh hi James, oh and I was thinking you guys could sleep on my daybed.” Kara nodded then she walked over to the couch in Olivia ’s room and unfolded it until it was like a bed. Then Kara and James each grabbed a pillow and a blanket and laid down on the daybed.
           Then they all fell asleep.
                    Chapter 4: Olivia ’s B-day Party
       Saterday finally arrived and it was the day of Olivia ’s B-day party. Her mom had bought a ton of chips and dip and candy for the party. She also bought two packs of Root Beer. It was almost Two fifty which was when Leah was supposed to be at Olivia ’s house. Olivia  couldn’t wait for everyone to get there! But then she remembered she hadn’t told her mom that Elliot was her Bf yet.
         Olivia  sighed then walked over to the kitchen where her mom was making a homemade pizza for dinner. As Olivia  stepped into the kitchen her mom said “ will your friends be here soon?”. Olivia  nodded then said “ yeah they will be but there’s something I forgot to tell you.” 
             Olivia ’s mom frowned then said “ what is it ?”. Olivia  smiled and said “ remember when I went over to Elliot’s house around a week ago?”. Her mom nodded then Olivia  said “ well when I was over there we kinda asked each other out at the same time. So now he is my boyfriend.” Olivia ’s mom smiled then said “ oh that’s great honey! Good for you!”. Olivia  smiled and said “ I was hoping you would take it that way”.
           Then they heard a knock at the door and Olivia  ran to go get it. She opened the door and Kara and James were standing there holding presents. They all started laughing a little because Kara and James basically lived there anyways. But Olivia ’s mom didn’t know it. Olivia  then let them in. They then walked into the kitchen and said hi to Olivia ’s mom then set the presents on to the kitchen table.
           As soon as the Olivia  got back to the kitchen there was another knock at the door. Olivia  smiled then she walked back to the door with Kara and James. When they got to the door Olivia  opened it and Elliot was standing at the door with a present wrapped in purple paper. He also had a sleeping bag and a pillow.
             Elliot smiled and said “ happy birthday!”. Olivia  smiled and said “ thank you Elliot!”. Then Olivia  looked at James and Kara then said “ oh and Elliot, these are my jogging friends. James and Kara they’re twins.” Elliot smiled and said “ it’s nice to meet you guys!”. James and Kara nodded then they both said “ it’s nice to meet you to”. 
            Then they all walked back to the kitchen and Elliot set her gift down. Then they all walked over to Olivia’s room. After around ten minutes they heard the doorbell ring. Kara smiled and said “ let’s go see who’s at the door.” Elliot nodded and then they all walked over to the door. James reached for the door knob and opened the door. Chase and Amy were standing there holding presents and pillows and sleeping bags.
         They all smiled then said “ happy birthday!” all at the same time. Olivia  smiled and said “ thank you guys.” Then Elliot said pointing at James and Kara. “ these are Olivia ’s jogging friends, there twins! Um but what were your guys names again?”.
          James and Kara smiled and then James said “ I’m James and this is my sister Kara”. They all nodded and walked inside. Then they all put there gifts on the kitchen table. Then everyone walked into Olivia ’s room and set up their stuff. 
         Chase was tall and he had short blond hair and green eyes. Amy was tall and she had long dark red hair and brown eyes.           After everyone set up there stuff Elliot stood up and sat next to Olivia  on her bed. Then Kara said “ when will be going to the movie?”. Olivia  looked at her phone and said “ um we need to go right now!”. Everyone nodded then they walked down to her mom’s big van and Olivia ’s mom drove them to the movie’s and dropped them off.
              When the movie was over everyone went outside to wait for Olivia’s mom. They were all smiling then Amy said “ who thought that was a great movie? I sure did!”. Olivia  nodded and said “ yeah it was really good!”. Then Kara, James, and Chase said “ yeah it rocked!”. Then they all laughed because they had said it at the same time. Than Amy said “ yeah I really liked it to”. Then Elliot smiled and said “ I really loved that movie!”. Then Elliot got a even bigger smile on his face then he said “ before Olivia’s mom gets here there’s one thing I have to do?”. 
            They all smiled then Chase said “ what do you have to do Elliot?”. Elliot smiled then he pulled Olivia  up against him and then he kissed her. All Olivia ’s friend clapped and laughed. Accept for James of course. Then Olivia’s mom drove up and they all got into the car and drove to Olivia’s house. When they got there they all grabbed a piece of the homemade pizza and ran to Olivia’s room.
              Elliot smiled and said “who wants to really start this party with a game of spin the bottle?!”. Everyone agreed to play but then James said “ let’s play but here’s one rule, it doesn’t count as cheating on your boyfriend or girlfriend if you kiss someone besides them in this game. It’s just a game it doesn’t mean anything.” Everyone nodded then Olivia  found a empty bottle and then she smiled and said. “ Who wants to spin first?”. Kara raised her hand and said “ I will go first, but just one more rule I would like to add you have to kiss them for ten seconds or longer. But no longer than thirty seconds.” Everyone agreed then Kara spinned the bottle.

                         Chapter 5: Party Games
            The bottle finally landed on someone and that was Amy. Everyone laughed then Kara moved over to Amy and they kissed for ten seconds then Kara went back to her seat. Everyone was laughing a little then Amy spinned the bottle. Everyone held their breath then it landed on  Elliot. Chase rolled his eyes and grinned. Than Amy went over to Elliot and kissed him. After they had been playing for ten minutes James spinned the bottle and it landed on Olivia . James smiled and quickly went over to Olivia  and kissed her for twenty seconds. Then Kara thought to James “ you sure got what you wanted”. James then thought “ hell yeah ! Oh my fucking god she’s an amazing kisser!”. Then Olivia  spinned the bottle and it landed on Elliot. 
          Olivia  then kissed Elliot for the whole thirty seconds. Then Kara said “ what about you open your presents now?”. Olivia  smiled and said “ okay, let’s go get them.” Everyone then stood up and got their gift for Olivia . Then Olivia  said “ who’s gift should I open first?”. Amy smiled and said “ what about you open them in the order of who you met first.”
              Olivia  nodded then thought to Kara and James “ you guys will be last just so you know.” Then she said out loud “okay then Amy I will open yours first.” Amy smiled then handed her the gift. Olivia  smiled then opened it. It was a picture frame with a picture of Chase,Olivia  and Amy. Accept for Elliot,James, and Kara who she hadn’t met when the picture was taken.Olivia  smiled and said “ thank you so much Amy I really like it.” 
              Then Chase handed her his gift. It was a scrapbook full of pictures of all of them. Accept for Elliot,James, and Kara but there was extra pages so she could easily put more pictures in.  James gave her a silver necklace that had a silver heart hanging from the bottom that said “ Olivia ”. Kara gave her a video camera. And then Elliot finally gave her his gift to her. 
           She smiled and opened it. It was a amazing necklace with a Aquamarine gemstone with a silver border with tiny diamonds in it. It also had a silver chain. Everyone’s mouths dropped open when they saw it. Then Olivia  kissed Elliot then she asked “ is the Silver and the Diamonds and the Aquamarine gemstone all real?”. 
           Elliot nodded then said “ yeah it is! I had a lot of money saved up and I thought I would buy you something very special.” Olivia ’s face lit up then she kissed him again. Then she said “ I love it so much! I love all of your gifts a lot!!!”.
          They all hanged out for hours then they finally all fell asleep. The next morning everyone got up around nine in the morning. 
                          Chapter 6: A Week later
            James and Kara were the first ones to get up. They sat up and stretched the sun was very bright and it really hurt their eyes.  James sat up and got off the couch. Then he quietly walked over to Olivia ’s bed and looked at her and smiled. He loved how she looked when she was sleeping. Kara rolled her eyes and thought “ creep” to James. He rolled his eyes then thought “ good morning Olivia ”. Then he walked over to the couch and sat down.
             Olivia  carefully opened her eyes and smiled then she thought “ good morning James, Good morning Kara!”. Then Kara thought “ good morning Olivia !”. Elliot opened his eyes and stretched then sat up. Then he stood up and whispered something in Olivia ’s ear. He said “ can I come in and lay with you?”. Olivia  smiled then said “ sure”. Elliot smiled then Olivia  moved over and lifted the blanket up. Then Elliot got into the bed.
             Chase and Amy got up five minutes later. Chase sat up and said “ when will we be having breakfast?”. Olivia  sat up and said “ we can go to the kitchen and find something to eat if you guys want.” Amy and Chase nodded then Kara said “ yeah I’m hungry , let’s go eat!”. Everyone got up and walked into the kitchen. Olivia  walked over to the fridge and looked inside. She saw stuff like cheese, yogurt, ketchup, mayo,mustard,pizza,pickles,bread,etc. Olivia  grabbed seven yogurt’s and brought it to the table. Everyone grabbed one and started eating . When they finished they heard a knock at the door. They all walked to the door and opened it. It was Chase’s mom. Chase’s mom smiled and said “ hi guys I’m here to pick up Chase and Amy. Amy’s dad called me and asked for me to pick her up to.” 
               Chase nodded then said “ okay mom , I’ll go get my stuff.” Amy gave a small smile and said “ I’ll go get my stuff to Ms. Morgan.” Chase and Amy then went back to Olivia’s room and started getting their stuff. Olivia  smiled and said “ come on in Ms. Morgan.” Ms. Morgan came in and sat on the couch in the living room with Elliot, Olivia , Kara, and James. 
           Meanwhile in Olivia’s room Chase and Amy were packing and talking. Chase said “ have you noticed how James keeps checking Olivia  out. And how he looks upset when Elliot kisses Olivia .” Amy smiled and said “ yeah I’ve noticed it! I’m glad I’m not the only one who see’s that. James so likes her!”. Chase nodded then said “ poor guy his heart must be so broken! He has to watch the girl he likes be with another guy!”. Amy nodded and said “ yeah that must kill him.” Chase nodded and they continued packing.
                 When they were done they brought their stuff out to the living room. They set their stuff down and then Chase and Amy said goodbye. Then Amy hugged everyone goodbye and Chase hugged Olivia  and Kara and shook Elliot and James’s hand’s. Then Chase and Amy walked back to Chase’s mom’s car and left.
                  They all then went back to Olivia’s room and got dressed. Then Olivia  said “ does anyone want to go for a jog?”. Kara smiled then said “ yeah that sounds fun!”. James nodded then said “ yeah sounds great!”. Then they looked at Elliot and he said “ I would love to but my mom wanted me home at nine thirty.” Olivia  frowned and said “ oh okay Elliot I’ll see you later then.” Elliot nodded and said “ I’ll text you around eleven.” Then he packed up his stuff then he kissed Olivia  and said “ I love you Olivia !”. 
              Olivia  smiled and blushed she was jumping up and down in her head. Then she said “ I love you to!”. Then Olivia  kissed Elliot and then he left. Once he left Olivia ,Kara, and James got into their jogging clothes. James went into the bathroom to change and Kara and Olivia  changed in her room. Then James smiled and then he thought something to Kara.
            “  Please please please let me see what you see!!!!!”. Kara rolled her eyes then  thought “ name four asen’sre I should let you see threw my eyes right now!”. James thought about it for a minute then thought. “ One because you are my sister and you should do your twin brother a favor once in a while. Two I love Olivia  and she is with someone else and I really really want to see her with her clothes off. But she would never let me unless we were dating. Three I’ll owe you if you do this for me. Four just pleeeeease let me see!!!!!!”.
                 Kara sighed then said “ fine! but on one condition.” James smiled and said “ what what do you want!”. Kara grinned then thought “ for the next week if I ask or tell you to do something you have to do it. And it will not count as what you owe me.” James then said “ deal!”.
              Kara nodded then let him see threw her eyes. he grinned and then he saw Olivia  in her bra and underwear. He smiled then Olivia  turned away from Kara and took off her bra. James frowned because he couldn’t see the front of Olivia . But he still enjoyed what he saw. Then Olivia  put on a sports bra and then she put a pair of jogging shorts and jogging shirt. James frowned then Kara looked at herself in the mirror and she only had a bra and a pair of underwear on. Then James thought “ oh my god Kara please never show me that again!”. Kara laughed then thought “ haha that’s what you get for staring at Olivia  almost naked. You get to see someone you don’t want to see with their clothes off.”
             James shook his head trying to get that image out of his head. Then Kara stopped allowing him to see through her eyes. James shook his head then put his jogging clothes on. Then he thought to Kara. He thought are you two dressed yet?”. Kara smiled and said “ yeah we are.” James nodded then he walked back into the room. Olivia  smiled then said “ let’s go!”. They nodded then they walked to the living room where her mom was eating breakfast. 
                     Olivia  smiled and said “ we are going for a jog. We’ll see you later.” Her mom then said “ okay see you later”. Then Olivia ,Kara,and James ran out the door and ran to the park. The sky was cloudy and kinda cold. But they quickly got warmed up just by running. They then ran to the trail and started jogging. After a few minutes James said “ would you ever want to be a I.H, Olivia ?”. 
                Olivia  shrugged then said “ yeah that would be cool, the only thing I wouldn’t like would be that I would have to be assigned to someone.”  James shook his head and said “ you only get assigned to someone if you were born I.H.” Olivia  smiled and said “ oh okay then, then I would love to be I.H!”. They kept running for another half hour then they got back Olivia ’s house. They walked inside panting. They had sweat pouring down them. Their hearts were beating very fast and they were all out of breath.
           They slowly walked over to the kitchen and grabbed a few waters.  Then they drank their water very fast. Then Kara and James said goodbye. Then they left and then they took their watches off and came right back in. 
                           Chapter 7: Four days later
            It was one o’clock in the afternoon and Kara had gone to visit the King of the I.H people. James and Olivia  were hanging out in Olivia’s room playing the card game war. James smiled the put down a king Olivia  frowned then put down a queen. James grinned and thought to himself. “ I will be her King and she will be my Queen”.
               They continued playing for ten more minutes or so. Then Olivia  put the cards away then they sat on the bed. They just sat there in silence for thirty seconds or so just thinking to themselves.
            Olivia  was thinking “ I wonder when Kara’s going to be back? I wonder what Elliot’s doing? I wonder what Chase and Amy are up to?”. James was also thinking about a few things. He was thinking “ I want to make out or at least kiss Olivia  right now! I know I got to kiss her during spin the bottle. But that’s not real. I wonder what would happen if I kissed her right now! If I did I hope she wouldn’t hurt me! That would be horrible! Ughhhh!!! What to do, what to do? Should I kiss her? Um maybe not? She might hurt me or reject me? Or it would be awkward! Ughhh. What the heck! I’ll just do it!”.
                Then James looked at Olivia  and moved closer to her on the bed. Then he put one of his arm’s around her waist.  Then Olivia  looked confused and said “ what are you doing James? Why is your arm around my waist?”. James looked very nervous then he looked at Olivia . Olivia  could tell that he was nervous.
           Then he thought to himself “ it’s now or never!”. Then he pulled her close and she gasped . Then she said “ let me go James! Why am I so close to you right now? This is so weird! Stop it!” James sighed and paused for a second then said “ I just have to do something!”. Olivia  looked a little upset and confused and sweat was going down her neck. She was so nervous and confused even a little scared.  
                 She had many thoughts going threw her head. “ Why am I so close to him? What the hell is going on? This is so uncomfortable! Why is he doing this! Why is my body pressed up against his!?”. Then James said “ okay I’m doing this!”. Then Olivia  said something she was almost yelling “ doing what?!!!”. 
             Then James put his other hand on her cheek and started kissing her. Olivia  was so shocked and then she tried to pull away but he was still holding her waist.  But the more he kissed her the more she liked it. She felt so guilty because she was Elliot’s girlfriend not James’s. She was also feeling guilty because no matter how hard she tried to hate James. And no matter how hard she tried not to like him kissing her. She couldn’t help but like him kissing her. And she couldn’t help wanting to kiss him back. 
              She also felt bad because she knew that when he let her go she would have to reject him because she was with Elliot. James kept kissing her for what seemed like a million years. And finally Olivia  couldn’t help herself and she started kissing him back. Then James thought to Olivia  “ so you do like me back?”. Olivia  then thought back “ no I don’t!”. James then thought “ then why are you kissing me back right now?”.
               Then she thought “ because I thought if I kissed you back you would stop kissing me back! I mean what the hell are you doing?! I have a boyfriend who I love!”. Then James thought “ I love you!”. Then he let Olivia  go, Olivia  stood up and walked out of her room. She then walked to the front porch.
            Then she thought about it . She thought “ I have to tell Elliot! I really don’t want to but I have to! I hate to admit it but I think I love James to. This really sucks! I’m going to ask Amy what she thinks I should do!”. Then Olivia  looked down at her phone and texted her.
                                Olivia : I need to tell you something! But you can’t tell anyone! Unless I say otherwise! I need your advice! 
                                Amy:  Okay I promise! What’s going on! Are you okay! You aren’t pregnant are you?!
                                Olivia : I’m not pregnant! But James just kissed me! A minute ago! For like three minutes! I couldn’t push him away! I finally decided to kiss him back. I thought that if I kissed him back he would let me go. But he didn’t , he said he loved me!!! But the worst thing is. Is that I think I love him to! I feel so bad! I love Elliot so much! But I also love James! What do I do I’m freaking out!!!!!!!!!!!!! :(
                               Amy: Holy moley ! That is a very bad hard problem to solve. But here’s what I think. Tell Elliot what happened as soon as possible! Tell him that he kissed you and you kissed him back. Tell him that you love him very very much! Then say that you also love James. Then tell him that you want to be with him right now! Then let Elliot decide if he still wants to be with you! Or if he doesn’t want to be with you. Or if he wants to make you choose.
                          Olivia : But if I tell him I love James to he will dump me for sure!
                          Amy: sometimes you have to do whats hard and right. Not what’s easy.
                        Olivia : * sighs* fine!
                        Amy: good luck!
                         Olivia  and Amy sign off.
Olivia  then texts Elliot.
                         Olivia : I really need to talk to you and tell you something! But I really wish I didn’t have to tell you! 
                               Elliot: What is it?! What’s wrong? Are you okay!?
                               Olivia : meet me at the park. And remember I love you!
                                Elliot: I love you to. And okay I’ll meet you there in five minutes.
                                Elliot and Olivia  sign off.
           Olivia  then stands up and walks to the park. When she got there she saw Elliot sitting on a bench. Then Olivia  walked nervously up to the bench where he was sitting. She had never been so scared. Elliot looked at her and smiled and then frowned then said “ what’s up?”.
              Olivia  sighed a big sigh and sat next to him. Then he said “ what is it you wanted to tell me?”. Olivia  then started crying and Elliot looked concerned and he kissed her then he started to rub her back trying to comfort her. Then Olivia  said “ will you listen to everything I have to say? Without walking away or talking.?”. Elliot nodded then said “ okay I promise!”.
             Then Olivia  said “ today I was hanging out with my friend James…. and then he …. kissed me...He wouldn’t let me go…….then …. I …..kissed him...back… I love you so so much!!!.... But I think I….love...James to...But I want to be with you!...right now!....I’m so….sorry Elliot!”.
                   Elliot frowned he looked upset,sad,angry,betrayed, but he also loved Olivia  and he also felt sorry for her. Then he sighed and said “ I’m trying to stay calm right now. But I do want to say that I really hate James and I hate what you did! I feel betrayed! But I will give you a second chance. If you promise you won’t be anything more then friends with James as long as you are with me! Deal?!”.
                 Olivia  was very happy and shocked that Elliot was giving her a second change. Then she smiled and wiped tears out of her eyes and then said “ deal!”. Then Elliot kissed her and said “ I have to go now, I told my parents I would only be gone for ten minutes.” Olivia  nodded and said “ okay Elliot I’ll see you later”. Elliot nodded and walked home Olivia  sat on that bench for five more minutes then she texted Amy.
                        Olivia : I told him! He said that as long as I’m nothing more than friends with James as long as I’m with him. He will give me a second chance. :)
                             Amy: that’s great! But now you have the problem of rejecting James. But if I were you I would just say that you only think of him as a friend.
                            Olivia : okay bye.
                         Olivia  and Amy signed off.
       Olivia  then started walking home when she got there James and Kara were in her room. When she walked in Kara said “ I know what happened”. Olivia  nodded then said “ can I talk to James? Alone!”. Kara nodded then said “ okay”. Then Olivia  said “ and do not read either of our minds.” Kara nodded and went to the kitchen.
               Then James said nervously “ what do you want to tell me?!”. Olivia  sighed and said “ I told Elliot what happened. He said that as long as we never do this again. Then he would give me a second chance. He understands that you took advantage of me. And I wanted to tell you that I care about you but only as a friend. I’m really truly sorry James!”.
               James sat on Olivia ’s bed and tried to hold the his tears in. But then they all came pouring out. Olivia  felt really bad and then sat next to him and said “ I’m really sorry James!”. Then James said “ I love you so so much! I would doing anything for you even kill my sister. I would never cheat on you. You mean everyt




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