Not Golden

poem by: D'Vina Dietrich
Written on Jun 05, 2021

What do I name that feeling
It felt like gold pouring over me
The warm rays of the sun on my heart
I was so full of laughter and smiles

Real ones...

It was brief, but it happened 
I remember it so vividly 
Yet, it hurts so bad to remember

I don't know what to call it 
I've never felt love like that before 
Never felt so secure before 

Why is that when it was all false 
It was just all a mask

Why didn't I see behind it 

In love

Why was the bruises and the words 
Less pain then the loss?

Why was those hands around my neck 
Looked past...
To get back to that golden feeling

Why did I carry on 
And why do I want it back at times?

My body bruised
My heart shatterd

I feel like an addicted 
Scrambling for their fix 
Trying to piece it all together

What did I do so wrong?

To get a taste of something so beautiful
And watch it turn into something 
So fucking painful.

It wasn't supposed to be this way 
And yet it is 
And I still don't believe it. 


Tags: Sad, Depressing, Pain, Deep,


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