Let go

poem by: D'Vina Dietrich
Written on May 27, 2021

I see you there 
Holding it all, all of it 
Then exploding
Let it go
That's not you
I've seen your core
So sweet 
I've see it 
The smiles 
Why are you casing it?
Locking it away 
Like it never was
Throwing dirt 
All over the most 
Beautiful you
Quit it 
You are not a monster 
Don't let those monsters who've hurt you 
Make you feel different
They don't have that core 
That sweetness and love 
But you do 
And no matter how much you hide it 
I know it's there 
I know you are there 
And I'll never stop loving it. 
I'll never stop loving you
Ive seen the most beautiful you.
It's buried in there
But I know. 
I know who you are. 
And I'll wait 
I'll wait till you decide it's time
To share your light. 
I'll wait. 
The pain will fade 
And that light of yours
Is gonna shine so bright
No monster will near ever again.
No one will hurt you. 
You'll be untouchable. 


Tags: Inspirational, Pain, Wishful,

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Frank Hornby . commented on May 28, 2021 at 3:42pm
This poem really is inspirational......and these words show who YOU, really are.........devoted....✌🏻


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