
poem by: D'Vina Dietrich
Written on Feb 26, 2021

I banged and banged
Rattling the whole house
Trying to save her 
The door shook
It rattled 
It wouldn't give 
I begged 
I pleaded 
I threatened 
"Open the door""
"Please, not again!" 
Drowning in my tears as I screamed..
I tried to stop you
Never did i want to lose you 
Why won't this door just open
"Please please don't"
"Let me save you "
"Open the door!! "
Locks rattling 
Fists bleeding 
Don't leave me again! 
"We need you.."
I can't do this alone. 
I can't 
I can't 
Chocked by defeat 
I give up
Once again proving 
Im not enough.  


Tags: Sad, Anger, Depressing, Confused, Scary, Pain, Hate,


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