Focus on what...

poem by: Asha Dare
Written on Feb 27, 2019

Focus on life, thats what they all tell you.
Follow the rules, do as you're told take a pew.
Find yourself then find a vocation and see it through.
Feed the government pay you're taxes, pay your dues.

Don't quite understand where I'm going.
Don't quite understand what I'm doing.
It's hard to focus on life when my mind's in utter ruin.
Deep down inside there's something stewing and brewing.

I feel like a lost piece from a once working society, full of happiness.
I watch from afar, all I see is misery, debt, corruption and sadness.
It's hard to focus on life when there's so much to consider.
It's all gone so crazy, it wouldn't surprise me if they sold you to the highest bidder.

Think about that, it may seem crazy.
You never know what's coming, don't let your mind get lazy.
keep your guard up, keep your eyes peeled.
keep your head down, keep your lips sealed.

Focus on yourself, life is to short.
why do we put so much focus and effort in ... just give it a thought...



Tags: Hope, Dark, Fear, Weird, Deep,


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