Making America Great

poem by: Daniel Moskowitz
Written on Dec 06, 2018

President Donald Trump
Has stated
That he is
An "Economic Nationalist".
He, supposedly,
Is doing what is best for the People of the United States,
Even if This is detrimental
To people in other parts of the world.
The Trump Administration is only advocating
For a peaceful end 
To the War in Yemen
Under pressure from Congress.
President Trump's initial stance
Was that it was most important
For the United States to PROFIT from the War
Rather than China or Russia
Even if 14,000,000 Yemenis die as a result.
Maintaining lucrative defense contracts with Saudi Arabia
Is part of Trump's plan to 
"Make America Great".
Adolf Hitler would be impressed!


Tags: Anger, Scary, Pain, Dark, Fear,


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