
poem by: Daniel Moskowitz
Written on Dec 06, 2018

Was primarily a year
During which 
Fought over the scraps,
And these scraps 
Are becoming increasingly meager
Due to Climate Change.
Many people 
Think Donald Trump is a good President
'Cause he's trying to make sure
That Americans receive
A greater percentage
Of the scraps,
As climate change advances,
The portion of these scraps people receive
Continues to shrink,
And more people want to enter the United States
Where they think
They can get more of these 


Tags: Sad, Humor, Depressing, Scary, Weird,

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Daniel Moskowitz commented on Dec 06, 2018 at 1:51am
Much of the recent news is about Economics or Factionalism, but, in my view, the Stresses people are experiencing throughout the world have a lot to do with what WE'RE doing to the Earth itself!
A previous user commented on Dec 07, 2018 at 3:06am
Well said, Daniel. tbf, Donald Trumps job isn't about saving the world, It's about saving the American economy which I have no Idea if he's doing that or not. but people seem to be optimistic I think. It's easy to blame whoever is in charge at the time and it's even easier to blame and demonise others with differences. However, it's not one man's responsibility. Trump does what the American people want him to. Same with any other leader. To help us all get fat and get better smartphones/other Tech. The world is our responsibility as individuals to evaluate and raise concern.


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