poem by: Koapal
Written on Aug 25, 2018

I am a puzzle piece.
Does my existence matter, 
am I beautiful?

You are also a puzzle piece.
Does your existence matter - are you important,
are you beautiful?

you are=you're beautiful=you matter=you are=you aren't beautiful=you dont' matter
(you are=you are beautiful+you matter)∴(you are=you aren't beautiful+you don't matter) 
you are=you're beautiful+you matter 
you are=you aren't beautiful+you don't matter


ym=-1yb →ym=-0

ya=yb-yb →ya=0-0

0=0 → yb=0

ya=yb+ym	ya=-yb+(-ym) 
0=0+0 		0=-0+(-0)
0=0 			0=0


We all are puzzle pieces.
We all are part of an eternal, magestic puzzle.
Each of us is a puzzle (piece)...?


Tags: Deep, Abstract, Hope, Encouraging, Confused, Metaphor, Inspirational, Happy,

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A previous user commented on Aug 25, 2018 at 8:48pm
Nice, giving unbounded variables a home... It's nice to wonder about how beautiful we are and how much we matter. but the question is, do the questions themselves even matter? I would just get on with it and as a wise man once said, "you ought not to ask the questions of a personal subject matter. For in time they will reveal themselves".
A previous user commented on Aug 25, 2018 at 8:49pm
I like the poem by the way :)
Frank Hornby . commented on Aug 26, 2018 at 9:54am
...sorry Koapal....I can't do that puzzle......I can't find the last piece!.....
Koapal commented on Aug 26, 2018 at 1:53pm
Thank you A Slow Heyoka! These questions do not matter, absolutely not :D That was also one point of the poem. That you are anything you atribute to yourself to be - just because you ARE. And how there is nothing else but the fact that you simply are. It's even silly saying that you are SOMETHING (beautiful, important,...) when you already explain everything about a certain person just by saying that they are/exist.
Koapal commented on Aug 26, 2018 at 1:53pm
Frank Hornby - You already have all the pieces ;)
A previous user commented on Aug 26, 2018 at 10:23pm
Haha, We are always missing a few pieces...
A previous user commented on Aug 26, 2018 at 10:33pm
I like the way you think. 0 doesn't exist but neither does ∞, that extra puzzle piece doesn't seem so necessary when you think like that. Knowing I'm somewhere in between is good enough for me. Just an opinion but I'm pretty sure everyone is beautiful in one way or another even me and you :)
Tara Marie commented on Aug 27, 2018 at 12:57am
I wonder the same thing. From time to time. The only time we matter. Is when others matter to us. However, I didn't understand everything about this writing.
A previous user commented on Aug 27, 2018 at 3:21am
but how do we really know if others really matter to us or if it is just us that matter to us and that we don't subconsciously use others as an excuse for sense purpose? and what if those people leave or are taken away? I'm sure all our heads are hurting now haha :)
Koapal commented on Aug 27, 2018 at 10:20am
I loove how many discussions started here :D I wrote this from a wider point of view. But it can be interperted as anyone wishes of course. A puzzle as the universe, a puzzle piece as a human being. Or if we reduce a human being into even smaller particles - a single cell. Since that is what we are, a group of cells that call eachother by names. Hello, I'm a gropu of cells named Koapal :D So in that sense, can you call a single cell beautiful? Or attach some importance to it, since it is sooo tiny compared to the vast universe? It is beautiful just for the fact that it exists, and without it there would be imbalance. But can a single cell make an impact all by itself? Can I, alone as a single group of cells alone make an impact? That is what I mean. It is a yes and/or no answer, 0 and/or ∞,...
A previous user commented on Aug 28, 2018 at 10:29am
Haha... Wonderful. I can talk about hypotheticals all day :D
A previous user commented on Aug 28, 2018 at 10:35am
I guess since gravity is the weakest force in the universe and dark energy seems to have a majority abundance with a firm hand in entropy. The universe is likely to keep expanding into nothingness until it is so cold and thin, that nothing, anything ever did, will have ever really mattered... in the long run anyway... Scary stuff :O
Koapal commented on Aug 30, 2018 at 12:50am
A Slow Heyoka, true, these crazy topics is what I call fun :)


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