Loving ?

poem by: P Mason
Written on Nov 16, 2016

11-16-16.   Loving ?

How many ways does love rip holes in our soul. 
Often it arrives unexpectedly, 
in odd places, 
at odd times 
and incomprehensible moments.  
You're not looking for it, but suddenly there it is...
right in your heart: 
just for a moment,  
sometimes a lifetime. 
You suddenly find yourself stunningly vulnerable and afraid, 
and you don't know why or how, 
because in another moment something will shift, 
the world will turn a bit,  
the myths have shattered
and your dreams and love lost
move through your body and soul like shards of broken glass.  
And that hurts like hell.


Tags: sad, love, depressing, confused, pain,


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