the realisation of half a life

poem by: Mark anthony Villar-Neale
Written on Oct 03, 2013

 the realisation of half a life

he could not help himself, he shudders and dwells in the torment of his own  mind as it dwindle's into nothingness,lonely as all the fears fraught within the creaveses of his ravaged mind, slowly drifting to reality as if seeping from his mind into life itself, as if the nightmare was reality he could laugh or cry pettrified as emotions were pluck away, lost he found himself alone love was but a distant memory lost he found himself alone, all that he cherished stolen as if a figment of his imagination, loneliness insight with rage and bitterness, battling with life as if  merely clinging on, no one to love or cherish praying to awake, the realisation of half a life wondering alone as passer by merely glanced his way and yet saw thriugh him as if a ghost, helplessly passing by unable to converse with others as if paralyzed frozen as if infecting others as if his sadness was a plague.

mark anthony villar-neale


Tags: sad, inspirational, depressing, pain, hope,

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Ezra Uzair commented:
It's so emotional you can almost feel his struggle


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poem by mark anthony villar-Neale

the realisation of half a life he could not help himself, he shudders and dwells in the torment of his own mind as it dwindle's into nothingness,lonely as all the fears fraught within the creaveses of his ravaged mind, slowly dri... Read more