That night.

poem by: Newtowriting S
Written on Apr 27, 2016


Looking at the door,  I saw you without your light.
You were holding yourself, trying to be strong with all your might.
I couldn’t stop you from crying and seeing you made me decide
That the shadows and the images play with us, just like people.
Seeing you there, sitting alone, with your hands wrapped around you and your eyes telling the tale of your misery; I wanted to lift you up and make you smile.
But, how could I forget, how could I let it go?
That night and that last moment; the last touch and the cold.
When you were dancing in that beautiful gown, singing the song you loved in that house.
How happy you were, how excited you were to say the vows;	
How long had you waited to go that ball, how much you wanted to see him walking through the door;
He came, but he was cold and how every happy thing in your world became old;
That night, your wedding night, became the  night he left you; Left you alone, he took away your soul with his.
How can  I forget how they brought him in that coffin, on the night you were supposed to marry. 
He was lying there, his eyes closed; yet, you could not stop staring at them.
I remember how you ran to the door and how you kissed him, your last kiss.
How his face reminded you, of the first time you met him, how he made you see the world and how you became inseparable.
His words, his touch and his eyes- all of them made you see the world in a different way and every little thing with him, became big.
His touching words and all the time he scolded you, became your cherished memories along with all those moments you lived with him and his soul became yours.
That day, he cried for the first time, when you were ill and he promised to be with you till the end.
He cried again, the happy eyes and those kind words; the air of romance and joy as he asked you to be his wife.
That promise to stay and live together for life.
But, he left. He will never come and kiss you, again.
He has gone and he has left you without your soul.
They say, you will learn to live, they don’t know, he was your life.
They say, you will find somebody else, you are young; they don’t know, you died with him that night.
I see you looking at the mirror, still lost in his thoughts.
I see you, waiting for him with your eyes still at the door.
I see you, trying to write the eulogy; but, all you have written is his name.
I see you in the mirror, I see you smile for the world and I see you cry inside; I see you heart say his name and curse that night.
That is all you can think of, that is all you will remember- The night;
The night,  you lost your light.
- S


Tags: sad, love, dark, fear, sad, love, depressing, pain, fear,


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That night.

poem by newtowriting S

THAT NIGHT, THE LOSS OF LIGHT. Looking at the door, I saw you without your light. You were holding yourself, trying to be strong with all your might. I couldn’t stop you from crying and seeing you made me decide That the... Read more