Delutions of Happiness

poem by: Hayzel Fountes
Written on Sep 28, 2021

Having a Habromania is nothing but having Fallacy,

Making yourself a Luciform into Trumpery is like making yourself a Ritual to the pointless...

Delusions of Happiness are nothing but Mixtures of;

Your Praiseworthy aspects and short comings,

Your learning inspections and your breaking fascinations,

Your pacifist and your Warmonger; and

Your outcome of incarnation and installation of reincarnation...

People say, Happiness comes only in accordance with Time!?

 But, in reality it is present in each and every discern, which is hidden...

Don’t just have a look; let’s just make it a

‘Look’... @feel happiness


Tags: Happy, Inspirational, Encouraging, Imagery, Abstract,


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Delutions of Happ...

poem by Hayzel Fountes

Having a Habromania is nothing but having Fallacy, Making yourself a Luciform into Trumpery is like making yourself a Ritual to the pointless... Delusions of Happiness are nothing but Mixtures of; Your Praiseworthy aspect... Read more