No Matter What

poem by: D'Vina Dietrich
Written on Aug 21, 2021

She was crying out trying to reach her friend 
But she was running off the deep end 
Her head in the clouds chasing men 

She watched her friend spiral so bad
She tried to help but it made her mad
So she stepped back and removed her hand 

No matter where no matter what 
Turned into loss of trust 
And some dumb ass cuts 

It was me who was in the wrong 
I wish I can say sorry, but has it been to long?
So much has happened so much time gone. 

Will I ever even have a chance 
I'm out of my stupid trance 
I'm sorry for the attacks 

We were basically sisters 
Who sometimes bickered 
But my mind, sicker 

I have been healing myself 
Put my old ways on a shelf 
I realized what you felt 

Ten years down the drain 
To focused trying to drown my pain 
That I pushed my best friend away 


Tags: Sad,


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