Homebroken and Heartsick

lyrics by: Spencer Duncan
Written on Dec 22, 2017

What do you see when you look at me?
Show me your conception of perception;

Formulated by hate an held by fear from behind those leering eyes?
Is it "home-less "...or is it "less of a home" that you hold an keep disguised?
Residence to which I have no shame an thus I do not hide.
Hindered by your belief that home is materialized.

Less of a home then your helter-skelter shelter, 
A standard set as what's so supposedly common.   
Yet averages say that the "standard" you pose IS the problem. 

Dimensionalized classification 
our current disembodied state of a once United nation;
by the potential of utopian sense of congregation...
Lost within a battle between our fear of falling short of expectations 
And the ego created through integrity found.... 
in rising to the occasion
Won in a war of militarized self assurances that we seem to place our faith in...
What holds comfort for the fallen?
What inspires the unconscious to awaken?

when "Chillin in a van I call home" is,
 now somehow something thats so very wrong with, 
 living in a blessing that you see me stroll around in. 
 Fresh off the streets but now on the road again...
    so far so cold it has been.

 shit...was it the "heart" that hopes for "home" 
 or does the "love" help to hold it?
 Either way i think you should know this...
 I guess for awhile now i kinda already been hopeless; 
 ....So I wrote this....
 cause my "home" left me soulless,
 holding my "heart" all alone on my own; 
 but only then did i stop to know-tice,
 that only I could ever OWN THIS
   MY pain, MY home, MY decisions in MY life...
 MI-GRAINES in MY brains, from MY self-destruction out of MY spite... 
MY highs an MY lows; MY WRONGS and MY RIGHTS. 
MY choice to MY destruction or MY freedom from MY VICE... 
it's all my own shit and in the end its all right; 
An at times I remember when it's not all goin jus right,
Then it must not be the end,
Still time there is left to make it back to "alright".
So make a left if that's all that's left  cause I'm doing my best for ME in MY Life;
 to move forward and never straight... 
 to roll on an swerve safe... 
 and let go of hope but hold faith... 
cause this ride is short but long is the day.  
 life is what you make of it an death is only a date.


Tags: Imagery, Dark, Hope, Encouraging, Confused, Depressing, Inspirational, Anger, Beat, Rhyme, Love,


More by Spencer duncan

Homebroken and He...

lyrics by Spencer duncan

What do you see when you look at me? Show me your conception of perception; Formulated by hate an held by fear from behind those leering eyes? Is it "home-less "...or is it "less of a home" that you hold an keep disguised? Resid... Read more