Sort of an introduction story:

story by: K River
Written on Jul 26, 2020

An Introduction poem:

Welcome to my poetry and Short Stories Site

                               Knight  Profile                                                                                         

 GGGGGRRRRREEEEETTTTTIIIIINNNNNGGGGGSSSSS                                              ECHO, Echo, echo, echo, echo,echo,echo,echo,

{A Deep base voice of an announcer says}: May I present: trumpets sound ta ta taaaaaa ffffffffrrrrrrrrrrrruuuuuuup,
White underwear with red hearts flys out, billows and floats lazily to the
 ground landing at the presented knight's feet.                                             


                                   Sir River,                                                                                                                                  

He is a knight in tarnished armor it's sorta dented too. He seems to need an oil change,as he squeaks when he moves. He is known to sleigh dragons and rescues damsels in distress on a regular basis on the {PoetryPoem/kriver web site.} He is a knight in good standing. If you can call it that,standing I mean.He is a member in erha good standing?                                              
of the Obtuse Square Round Table.  If you can figure that one out. You qualify for a PhD from the "We'll print you any degree no schooling required" web site.                                    

All the seats at King Art's Round Table were full.So they put up the crazy table just for him and for laughs.It is child size. He doesn't fit so well. He can't seem to get his knees to go under the table.They are up to his helmet.{chin}                                                                                          He squeaks loudly, because he keeps falling out of the tiny chair, and he can't get up!
Sooooo, he rolls around on the floor squeaking, and crashing into things.
Until he can prop himself up on something.
But, then it take 3 1/3 men  to lift him back up. One is a mini-midget hence the 1/3.
The old armor isn't as light as the newer models.
This is the reason, he provides a medium of comic relief, and laughter for the Round Table.                              


Now that I have your attention. I hope your on the floor laughing yourself silly.
I have been born 3 times once physically naturally. Then as a born again, SPIRIT filled,  Christian.
Lastly as a MARINE(once a MARINE always a MARINE it is in our DNA), hence the armor.

I am 70 years young as they say. Who "they" are I don't know. However, I have never been  married. No known kids,  But, I always wanted some. No heavy duty past relationships.

Right now, I have one 3 year old German Shepard service dog named mick.I was a professional dog trainer for more than 15 yrs I have an MA in Education counseling.

I am the leader of a Bible study  group that has been  together for about 5 generations over 90 yrs. My mom started it with a friend when she was 12 in 1926.We meet once a month.                                                                      

Anyways, Again, Welcome to my site I sincerely hope you enjoy your stay and come back often.
I have lots of poems and stories to put up as time permits.
Best regards,
K River


Tags: Happy, Humor,


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