An Oratory Prose

story by: Horace Edmunds
Written on Jul 28, 2016

The following is: An Oratory Prose, as "I" call it, and only to be taken at
the reader's discretion. It is doubtless not meant for everyone, but as
it is read, please keep in mind, we all are on a journey, and nobody has the complete truth, (YET) although we (Live and move and have  our lives
Through the one who helps us understand) Anything that anyone reading this may take with them, would be a glory to God should it help aid anyone in their personal Journey, that said: Please Enjoy!!

This is totally insane. I tend to think insane thoughts when closer relatives are sane and more distant relatives are not.
Although it is hard to say, which are which, ya know?
This is the centurian part of me where I begin to take 
a closer look at my family tree, only to realize I may be 
barking up the wrong tree.  Many so-called ways and means
committees may have met in the past to discuss mortal man's hopeful climb of either Jacobs ladder, or the more
drummed-in-to-your-head "evolutionary ladder" Which has
caused a stir among the natives for decades now. But I shall stray a little from this line of thinking to begin by telling you that I believe in some circles, there is often brought up the question that if a man is a mere reflection of his own heritage, what becomes of his spirit as he moves along and up one of the aforementioned ladders? There are many 
raw and angry descriptions of this phenomena. The scientific community in ages past have tried to explain this immortal part of man as having climbed the ladder of evolution, while others have seen it from the perspective
that the Bible teaches, claiming that we remain much the same as a race and have since Our Lord started the work
of creating out of a mass of nothing but brooding vapors the whole world and everything in it and will most likely stick with the account that saw people being born unto their mothers with an equality factor that rendered us  mostly alike but at the same time very individually different as persons.  Let us review. Alike we are as humans but distant and different we are as persons.
Wherever it is apparent that we are different, we,
as a people (or race), have been rediculed and in some
cases even put to death for showing our individuality.
Yet, drawing from a vast pool of knowledge put together by our former fathers of science and of theology, may have had the chance to recognize and explain this phenomena. While neglecting the more delicate of these
theorists, some have more than likely just skimmed the surface of what may be found, and, due to this lack of
knowledge in that area, we are forced to accept a lot
on faith. I dare say this is why we seem to need so much faith. For it must fill the void found where we leave the fold and venture out into the Chambers of our minds and spirits. Now, at this juncture, let me just touch upon the
understanding that God is a Spirit and to worship Him we must come to Him with a Spirit of truth.  This, of course would only be for those who have listened to His spirit, and have found that Jesus is the fulfillment of life.
Christ Jesus, being the one who holds the key to fulfillment is offering much in return for loyalty, and
brotherhood. Even the chance to call His Kingdom our
home.  So, when we exercise faith, we find that this
law of the universe, as some call it, may work only when we have faith in accordance with the plans of God, which we find out-lined in the Bible, God's immutable Word.
I believe that as some of the seed that fell on good ground is choked out by the weeds of everyday life,
some lose a perspective of contentment and go looking
elsewhere for fulfillment. This is why many of us seem
aloof. Suffice it to say that we do not,  all of us, fully register or understand that this confusion is a sweet confusion and may be allowed to continue because it is
where we find freedom in Christ, and He, Christ, has experienced the limits of the mind as both a Person, as also the divine and true GOD that is to say, the Vine.
and if that weren't enough, He also experienced both these at the very same time, as well!! In so doing ,
experiencing life and our minds through the person of 
Jesus Christ, we may exercise freedom that only truly
born again Christians may experience. Because this is the case, and because Love is the catalyst, we are invited by our Master to experiment to our hearts content while
following His outline for risking our hearts and ourselves
to the limits where at this juncture we find or sometimes stumble upon where it is said by Jesus, Himself that if a man would find his life, he shall lose it, but, if a man would lose his life for Christ's sake and the Kingdom's, 
Then he indeed will find it. Certainly this is the way to
take care of your business with the King. Here, by the way, I am not referring to Elvis Presley.  Because I have 
written this  little oratorium for the Christian reader, as well as any other interested party that may be listening in.
this is only the opinion of one Christian, and should not 
be taken at full value unless the one reading this has
a close personal relationship to Christ, and/or has 
meditated in his own way with this text in mind. Bye and bye, I tend to ramble a little, but these are the weeds we must pick out of the garden of each of our hearts, individually, Therebye making way for new seeds to be sown and more plants to be grown. Godspeed and good day to you all. Through insights of a Christian man,  on the Journey, should this text help anyone to reach out for Jesus, then it has reached its purpose. Farewell, and may the Son shine warmly on your face.  With our hope in Him as we are led, and truly spoken, Amen


Tags: inspirational, encouraging, scary, hope,

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A previous user commented:
Thank you. The Son surely shines on me. Keep up the good work!


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