The End or the Start?

story by: MIkey Partin
Written on Jan 30, 2015

    On a late summer day, a man made an astonishing discovery in scientific research. on July 26th, that man introduced the world to the cure for cancer. he and his fellow employees were astonished and celebrated. but however, the cure may annihilate more than cancer cells.
     2 days after the introduction to the cure, Jack Miles was at home, drinking wine with his family. his wife , Lucia Miles cried tears of happiness as she has chosen a great husband.
but at 12:00 PM, he got a call, saying, "Jack, the ape test subjects have died! the first case of death caused by E-19 have been reported!". he drove there to the innovation labs as fast as he could.
    When he got there, there was a moment of complete panic. the other scientists predict that the disease is most likely to target organic matter, such as trees, grass, and humans. It was until Mr. Zeke came in the room, the panic stopped. he ordered them to get to work instantly trying to fight E-19.
    at a national presidential meeting, China threatened the US that they would use brutal force to stop the spread of the disease. they had a month to cure it before the Chinese would be forced to use nuclear destruction to stop the disease. The President focused the nation's budget on helping Innovation Labs.
    With the help of the president, the help of test subjects willing to die to help humanity, and the help of new technology, they were highly predicted to succeed in curing it. however, by the 15th day, most of the scientists lost hope for curing it, and went home to spend their "Last moments" with their families. they weren't even close to curing it.
    on the 21st day, %50 of the world was nearly dead. protesters were outside Innovation Labs, saying they were evil and obeying the devil to destroy humanity. Jack had LOTS of trouble getting inside the building. they spent %75 of their budget and every News Channel said to hope and pray for the cure.
    on the 27th day, they were no longer at risk of nuclear death, due to the Chinese leaders being dead due to the disease. even though they aren't at risk of death by a nuke, %69 of the world was dead. News reports say there are no longer any living tree in Canada. Journalists report that ISIS and other terrorist groups are disbanded. There was even a report saying "Man dead in basement with child and wife".
    On the dawn of the last day, Jack's wife had died. he decided to go to work with his daughter, Molly. it was only a few hours until then, the computers read that a test subject has survived E-19! he was injected with 42-J, a recently made antidote. Jack gathered a bunch of survivalists. they mass-produced the cure and shipped it out. others wired it to planes, so it would spill out on plantation. at the end of the day, there were barely any humans. Molly and Jack were still alive though, even though they were in an empty, quiet city. scientists (who were still alive) Reported that it may take 50 years to rebuild society. Jack and Molly were both happy they made it, and on a park bench in that lonely city, they fell asleep, wondering if they'd open their eyes again to a city full of people, like it was a month ago. Jack knew he wouldn't see the whole society like it was months ago, but he cried tears of joy that his own Daughter, Molly will get to see her life fall right into place and she'll have a great future.




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