Witte Proviton Yipokre

poem by: Sxisha Prafa Dia
Written on Apr 15, 2020

Ieotan Witte Prøvoto propin dusco
Prø spak "Oculfarank, Yürlon međti malvur"
Prø spak "Duscol Velshan međti ei balvur"
Velsh međti reflig Witte Prøvoto

Ieotan Witte Prøvoto sikhal dusco
Saicala alt Prø Saica
Prø spak "Oculfarank, Yürlon međti Barbork"
Prø spak "Duscol Velshan međti ei Hiendural"

"Makh kka, Witte Prøvoto, spak međti duscol Velshan?"
"Makh kka, Witte Prøvoto, spak balvur?"
"E osov Yürlo spak malvur e Barbork duscol Yürlon instra?"
Witte Prøvoto saican nuhul Saica
E Velsh međti reflig Witte Prøvoto

Ieotan Witte Prøvoto trèbzal dusco
Saicala nofi saican
Prø spak "Oculfarank, Yürlon međti Hiendurnuhuli"
Prø spak "Duscol Velshan međti ei Lakzani"

Spak qui reflig:
"Makh kka, Witte Prøvoto, spak međti duscol Velshan?"
"Makh kka, Witte Prøvoto, spak balvur?"
"E osov Yürlo spak malvur e Barbork duscol Yürlon instra?"
Witte Prøvoto saican nuhul Saica
E Velsh međti reflig Witte Prøvoto

Ieotan Witte Prøvoto tetizal dusco
Prø spak "Oculfarank, Yürlon međti Potalo"
Prø spak "Duscol Velshan međti ei admiof"

"Makh kka, Witte Prøvoto, spak međti duscol Velshan?"
"Makh kka, Witte Prøvoto, spak Lakzani?"
"E osov Yürlo spak malvur e Potalo duscol Yürlon instra?"

Ulta Witte Prøvoto retu Velshan međti propin međti
E Prø revađ spak duscip defar Velshan Potalo
E Prø revađ duscip Velsh amiof međti
E Prø nuhu hienđo duscip defar Velsh amiof međti
E nuhu hienđo duscip Velsh Potalo međti

Oculfarankan međti propin zevu Witte Prøvoto osov spak balsaic.
Witte Prøvoto reflig Velshan međti ieotan Prø spak Velshan međti malvur

Velsh nuhu saicala Witte Prøvoto.


Tags: Anger,

Add Comment

k river commented on Jul 27, 2020 at 5:15am
I can't comment on this write because. It needs to be translated into English and re-posted. I think it might be interesting to read if I could understand what has been written.
k river commented on Jul 27, 2020 at 5:15am
I can't comment on this write because. It needs to be translated into English and re-posted. I think it might be interesting to read if I could understand what has been written.


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