there's still a scream stuck in my throat

poem by: Ikaros
Written on Nov 30, 2019

there’s a scream stuck in my throat
lives behind the picket fence
of my gritted teeth
   (I’ve always breathed through it
                drowned ever since)
and the scream
like a poltergeist
destroys everything that
haunts it that it haunts
it’s waiting to take over

like the monster from my nightmares
             (kills me in:
   our yard the dark empty living room
     the roadsides that forest nearby
 it greets me in the kindergarten too
                 and nobody else hides)
bares its maw burning abysmal
          (not with rage but with
    the heavy unease of a barrage
     falling on the lowest piano keys
             the sharpest alarm
    of plates and glasses and voices
                   shattering flying far)
hurts and screams the wolf

like a child
  (a difficult one no way around it yet
        “look the potential leaks with
         every page read song stuttered perfectly mirrors two portraits in one downfall and isn’t it
            a fucking funny anecdote
      how this is going to end us all”)
shrieks screeches chokes on tears
louder than fear it grows shriller as you near
               (I forgot the reason
         my name if you ever gave such
            but our anger
our anger is all we have left so it is ours and it os us)
stops barely to breathe
never to swim always to fall
as there’s too much and too little to feel
to get out to calm

   (asleep I rush in the invisible tar
     stay still yet still run
      as to stay still there
      is to lose it all
   myself the war the last trench rot
          soft pedal stuck down on
                       all calls of help
 but to stop is as good as to not
     so under the bed in a dusty ball
        I run with my tears and I yelp)

never to surrender
or surrenders only when
there’s no door to hit with its
jagged little fists
   (became an enemy territory when
            the barricade made of this  small shivering stubborn bag of bones
   a desk and my red plastic armchair
                             gave way in
no trusty dear book to tear to bits
as all suddenly lie scattered sad and judging broken apart
    (who could’ve done them so wrong
                        I used to bawl
           though I knew just a sob ago
  I chose every and each one to maul)
and its vocal cords break too hard
only then
  can it sink back
  shrink itself to fit my raw rickety heart

but the scream 
the scream has my lungs guts
and arms
                firm grip
                no mind all harm

still eats the sheep
hogs my blanket
dreams of dread with open eyes
feeds on restless sleep
       falls off the cliff only to return
                       like a villain dies


Tags: Rhyme, Anger, Pain, Dark, Fear,


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