Losing but finding

poem by: Alejandrina Rondon
Written on Feb 07, 2019

 A writer who can not write 
 A poet who doesn’t understand poetry
A women who is not a women 
At war with inner peace but a bio that speaks differently
A lie in a liar who speaks truth
Poems that express emotions within emotions that have not been expressed.

Smothered by money not love but the smothers call me greedy
Cursed by blood but karma cursed them first
Molested then raped a body very tired
A god believed but shown no faith
Billions of souls, billions of stories 
She has curves
He has money
I have nothing

Surrounded by different faces, places but all racing the races
Burning trauma with vodka
Forgetting pain with toxins in dead veins
Losing the way to a path that doesn’t exist to us
Crying, dying, lying, smiling the emotions practiced 
Who are you? Who am I? What is this place called home?

Broken somehow frozen
Light brown girl but a women by age
Huge eyes that analyzes who you truly are
Perky lips that have kissed many damaging souls
You are me and I am you 

Two different names 
Jasmine for you
Alejandrina kept hidden
Who knows the truth?
Full of dull but look likes youth
Empty with plenty
Swallowing all what used to be, to be sane 
Trying on each name

One day you will know who you are
What you are
And all your meant for
But right now writer's block is all that you all good for 

Be lost in your lost
Come out more alejandrina
Let loose jasmine
Understand what isn't understandable
Be true
Be you



Tags: Inspirational, Confused, Hope, Fear, Deep,

Add Comment

Roxanne Dubarry commented on Feb 16, 2019 at 12:02am
It is very true to thine own selves always remain true.


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