Ode To A Muse

poem by: Stacey Handler
Written on May 02, 2018

Oh, My Muse,
Staring at me through distant stars
Through laughter and tears
Through the hallways of my mind.

Oh, how you pierce me
A cactus in my desert,
How you sting me
A jellyfish in my unstill waters.

How you tickle me
As my pen tickles the sky,
Endless inspirations
Stanzas forever flowing free.

How you grab me
From away and afar
Confuse me
With the thunderstorms in your eyes.

If only it tickled forever
Didn’t hurt as you bring me to my knees,
If only I could fly to you like a bird
Land safely in your arms.

But no, it is not to be so!
You are words on my page, Sweet fire,
Caressing the armpits of my unwritten phrases,
The constant party going on inside me.

I must go to the party 
Even when I am frozen, Afraid,
Exhausted from endless pokes of inspiration
Tickles that I wish would never stop.

I must fall free my sweet Muse, 
Into the abyss of whispering pages
Where my darkness meets the light 
Where you wait for me always. 

Copyright 2018 Stacey Handler


Tags: Inspirational, Pain, Imagery,

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A previous user commented on May 02, 2018 at 11:06am
I think us poets are a bit self-obsessed to be fair. Otherwise, we wouldn't care so much about what has happened to us. That's probably why we don't like being lonely either. But what if a poet broke free of their neuroses and narcissism? would they even feel emotion enough to write? something to ponder right there ;)
A previous user commented on May 02, 2018 at 11:08am
Love the poem by the way


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