you would never know

poem by: Rose Gonzales
Written on Oct 06, 2016

Its all locked up inside me know one even knows 
The things i go through everyday i try not to let it show
I wish someone could see what im going through
So they might have some insight of what it is i do
Someone has to see im not all glamour and glee
That inside there are things eating at me


Tags: sad, rhyme, depressing, pain,

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Q. Ramirez commented:
There is something about human nature that makes most people hold back how they might feel. I am such a person always wearing my happy face in public, but sometimes deep inside me I am very sad. Good work.
Cecilia Crasto commented:
Well written poem, we all wear a mask at some time in our lives.
Wendy Phelan commented:
I think You say what many feel, beautiful!
Frank Hornby . commented on Jun 16, 2019 at 4:47pm are not alone I reckon most people keep a lot of things hidden ...I think it is human nature to wear the "happy mask" in public....who wants to see the unhappy mask?....


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