
poem by: Chris Bateman
Written on Oct 01, 2015

Sometimes I feel fine, to everyone else I'm happy and cheerful,
 But deep down inside I am so very tearful.

Sometimes I laugh and shout at things just like the others,
 But they never know, it's all just a cover.

Sometimes I read a book, play a game or watch a good movie,
 But what I'm really trying to do is to escape from reality.

But almost every night when everyone else is sleeping, 
 Here I am with my fractured mind laying in bed weeping.

Falling asleep only after being mentally and emotionally exhausted,
 To wake up in the morning actually really refreshed and my life all sorted would be rather nice.

To love my life and have it on track,
 Instead of feeling like its fractured and permanently cracked.

Sometimes I write this down in verse or rhyme,
 Or sometimes even share it online.

I do these things I know not why, 
 It helps me sleep instead of cry,
 To share these things instead of bottling them in,
 It calms me down instead of feeling like my mind is fractured.


Tags: faith, inspirational, pain, hope,

Add Comment

Chris Bateman commented:
I'm feeling better now, but I wrote this about 3am while not getting to sleep, only now am I starting to realise that writing down things like this actually helps me to feel better. :)
Timothy Nelson commented:
Good picture of the poem. I can visualize the person crying in the night and I feel sorry for him. Good lead on.
rebeka Philips commented:
Realistic poem. Lack of sleep is horrible. But temporary!
Frank Hornby . commented on Jun 05, 2018 at 11:08am
You are so right Chris......writing your feelings down as poetry, really is therapeutic.....👍🏻


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