Brown pool

poem by: Andrew Dietrich
Written on Jul 20, 2021

Why do we indulge  in it 
Years of buried memories 
Years of buried pain 
A dive in to suppress the mind again?
I think contrary to belief  its to feel
Some say to numb but for us numb is real
Numb is the years of buried feelings
We want to feel the pain dug up and deal
A swim in the brown pool gives reasons
It gave confidence to try and heal
Without the swim can I force myself to feel
Can I cry without diving in
Can I face torment and win
Can I accept all my sin
We can learn to not be numb
Without being under the pools Brown thumb
Its easy escape goat
Its easy to float
The secret to feeling again
Is cleansing your pool
When that Brown water is clear
You'll  be able to see yourself again
A beautiful reflection 
And when you can make that reflection
Your friend 
You can learn to love
You can learn to trust
And maybe one day
Someone can be your pure clear ocean
Not bound  by murky water
Together to last with travels so vast
Clear waters
Even with murky past.


Tags: Happy, Love, Inspirational, Hope,


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