Hurt Only Shows Within

poem by: Elizabeth J White
Written on Apr 27, 2015

You wouldn't know it, by seeing me, by the smile on my face you would think my life is grand.
I learned along time ago to wear a mask, to mask my worries and woes, the world may not understand.

You wouldn't know it by the laughter and the jokes that I tell.
Inside is a hurt, one only understands, if their residence was once a hell.

You wouldn't see the big scar , the inside, that covers my heart 
that mends a deep, deep wound most will never see.
It's still there in the soul of me.

Inside is the hurt, it rises now and then, I feel it pushing on my hearts door 
far, far, far, beneath the skin.

I could not explain it, if , with all my might I tried
it's a hurt , like part of me has just crumbled and died.

It's a hurt so deep, band aids or stitches could not mend
It's a hurt deeper than the ocean, somewhere beneath the skin.

No rabbits foot or Good luck  wish, or four leaf clover, would ever
release this hurt I feel, it's a thing , I can't get over

Sometimes their is a part of me I feel weeping and wailing
I feel there is a vessel in the ocean that needs to pull anchor and just start sailing.

Sometimes I feel the only way to make this hurt go
Is to stop what the hurt attacked the old heart beneath the skin
far, far below.


Tags: weird,


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