Feeling slightly lonely

poem by: Keelan
Written on Mar 05, 2018

There comes a time perhaps in the modern 20-something's life among the parties, 
Among the get togethers 
The break for others 
The breakfast with your mother, father, brother, sister, 
Amongst the blisters
Gained from that sport you tried,
Or the movie night inside 
In kind 
To your friend who said you need to hang out more, 
So you do more, and you meet more friends
And lose some friends that weren't even worth it, 
Making your time more worth it 
To the friends you have,
And the friends you're about to have, 

That you start to realize you're lonely.

Amid the crowd 
Which has gotten quite loud

You're lonely.

And you get this hole inside that you try to fill
So you figure out how have time to kill 
So you overkill
On the friends you try to use
To find you abuse
The time your friends have given you so
But you're oh so driven to kill the void
In which we avoid
With all the sex drugs alcohol
And then we fall
In this weird emptiness we don't really talk about

And you start to realize you're lonely

And then you get up for the day and you're lonely
You brush your teeth and floss and you're lonely
Go to work and you're lonely
Walk to class and you're lonely
Write notes on lecture and you're lonely
Make lunch and you're lonely
Practice your music and you're lonely
Write your music and you're lonely
Watch a movie with your friends and you're lonely
Play a board game and you're lonely
Wash the dishes and you're lonely
Lay in bed and you're lonely

At some point in being lonely you start to feel lonely
And it's kind of a drag.




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