Add work

poem by: Braverman Waltz
Written on Nov 21, 2016

This is the question no answers strong enough no socks warm enough no pictures seen nor beauty cleaned no hair cut good enough no favorite ice-cream no love loved enough no bridges crossed no books read no ferris wheel turning no car screeching no one no words...... spoken enough no more filled stops or comas no sentences 
about the why in the u and i no 
more reasons for the seasons no 
back and forth or twisted truth no 
explanation or suffocation no more 
crying no missing you no sadness 
Or laughing no more of everything
 no climbing up on over nothing
  no whispers of screaming care no 
angel moment nor devils fight no
 inside mantra no outside signing no 
waves hullo no more of that no 
goodbyes my friend through forest.



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Cecilia Crasto commented:
I enjoyed the poem.
Edward shields commented:
Not bad.


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No where

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This screen is dirty the elephant in the room is tired from the long drive it's owner has left the building and no one here has a light....if I be coming back to the fold can you please remain seated till after the show that way I can... Read more