In the silence

poem by: Andy Wilden
Written on May 25, 2016

Sometimes in the darkness my soul it cries,
Walking down halls, wrapped in mists weaving and turning.
The journey sometimes smooth and sometimes rough,
But all the time a test, a trial an enduring painstaking journey.
Through pain we learn and through pain we grow,
Through all our tribulations we are measures against the scale.
Sometimes we win and many times we lose,
Our focus and goal do we never lose sight.
For every day offers challenges, that for some leave broken,
A strength of will and character required to just open our eyes.
Determination and a fortitude that the gods themselves imbue,
Forged in the fires of life, our soul set and tempered.
It is not whether we win or lose but the journey path we walk,
A life it crashes, smashing us against the rock, an unyielding sentry.
We crash and fall and rise again, only to be plummeted repeatedly,
Out of the darkness we see a glimmer a hope a ray of hopeful light.
With all seasons come change and all change brings wisdom,
As surely as we fall, do we not rise against the tide?
Let the winds of the east carry you and bring you peace,
Shall the fires of the north, burn within you with desire and passion,
The calming rejuvenating waters of the west, cleanse and purify your spirit,
And the grounding earth, give you stability and solidify your inner self.
Rise like the phoenix and be forged in the fires of rebirth,
Lay not in the ashes of painful regret and negativity.
For you are truly born of spirit and fire, to rise amongst the gods,
Your immortal soul strives for yet another journey, realise your dreams.
Believe in yourself, have faith in your dreams, they are the path we walk,
Ride the winds of the night and hear the ravens call,
Only in silence do we truly find ourselves, naked against winters chill.
As we may journey and all journeys essentially alone,
Know that we are all connected through blood and spirit.
May the love of the earth, surround you in her blanket and keep you safe,
May the light of the Lord, invigorate your spirit and bring you peace.
May the still of the night, bring you an affirmed sense of self and understanding,
In all things and through all things may the love of the Lady embrace you always.


Tags: faith, inspirational, metaphor, dark,

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Lewis Smith commented:
Some of the most truest shit I've ever read.
Christopher Russon commented:
After all that uncertainty a Glimer of light.deep poem and good read.


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